The Wolf is the Law: A Let's Play Diary

Let me start by saying The Wolf Among Us wasn't at all what I was expecting. It was my understanding that it was a game of choices, and a game where you might be playing a werewolf. I was wrong! This is a story about What ifs. What if the Sheriff in town was the Big Bad... well, he could be good or indifferent too, but that's besides the point. I digress. You are in a city where Fairy Tale and Fable Characters have immigrated from their supposedly corrupted fantasy world to the real world. Cloaked with visages called 'glamours' they roam about reality as humans.
I thought to myself 'Okay I see where this is going! How interesting let's see where this ends up!'
Let's just say this is an incredibly grim dark fairly tale who dunnit that tackles a lot of serious subject matters along the way. If you picked up this game as a relaxed fairytale mystery you may be in for more than you bargained for.
I have since learned that Telltale game, the publisher of this title, is well known for it's gritty, and even horrific stories. I enjoyed playing this game, but I was a little bit disappointed with the unresolved cliffhanger ending. However, I've heard rumors that there is a season 2 hanging around now so I might check it out in the future to see where it goes.
Also! In the game there is an option to remain silent during your decision making process,and I'm thinking of doing a silent playthrough.... just to see what happens.